Climate Change and Agriculture in Kiribati


The following activities are being supported under the USAID Climate Change and Food Security Project in Kiribati:

Climate change adaptation projectWhole-of-Island-Approach.-6mins

Kiribati has a relatively stable economy with a strong reliance on fisheries, which makes up a large proportion of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Nevertheless, as a least developed country, it faces a number of development challenges in the future. Many of these may be exacerbated in the face of climate change. These include access to sufficient clean water resources, coastal defences and adequate food crop development (Republic of Kiribati, 2007). To address such development issues, the Government of Kiribati is engaged in numerous programmes and projects to enhance its resilience. Among these is the Kiribati Livestock Production Concept to support Climate Change Adaptation and Food Security 2013–2015. This concept is supported by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community’s (SPC) Land Resources Division and the SPC USAID and GIZ Climate Change programs. Under the concept, the Government seeks to address food security by increasing national capacity in the pig and chicken production.

In 2011, the Government of Kiribati requested new regional climate change programs to support communities on outer islands in their efforts to adapt to the adverse impacts of climatic changes and variability, and to strengthen the island's response capacities to man-made and natural hazards with a holistic and integrated approach. Instead of focusing on  only selected villages or sectors, the Whole of Island Approach targets the whole island ecosystem, communities and government structures while also considering its relationships with the national government and partners.

Further information can be found in the following:

Technical assistance with mainstreaming of climate change and improving adaptation strategies

The island of Abaiang, north of the capital island of Tarawa, was identified by the Government of Kiribati as a pilot site where community resilience to climate change and natural hazards will be addressed in an integrated fashion across all sectors of social and economic life. The integrated approach is designed to more comprehensively support people and the environment on which they depend for sustenance and livelihoods, and promotes better coordination between community, local and national government and donor-funded projects.

Further information can be found in the following technical and meeting reports:

Training and Capacity Building

Capacity building was also provided to facilitate the development of national and community agriculture related adaptation response strategies.

As part of the USAID Food Security project, the trainings below were delivered in Kiribati:


Follow the Abaiang Whole-of-Island-Approach video link to view the short documentary.