Nauru celebrated World Water Day on 22nd March 2021. The theme for 2021 is “Valuing water” and highlights the importance of conserving water and its value. For Nauruans, valuing water is a way of life as annual rainfall is extremely variable with a range of 280mm to 4,590mm and droughts, which can last as long as three years, place severe stress on already limited water sources. Mr. Jaden Agir, Water Manager within the Water Unit, delivered the Opening Remarks and focused on the theme and what it means for every individual in Nauru.
The World Water Day celebration included information booths, competitions and radio quizzes to engage community members including school children and youths. The information booths were set up by government departments where each department shared information on the services that they offer and how people can access these services.
The competitions varied to cater for different target groups. Schools were given an opportunity to take part in the Water Irrigation System Competition. Nibok Infant School, which won first prize, used a rope irrigation system to water their garden, 5-litre water bottles to store the water, small pins as taps to open and close the water tap and ropes from recycled t-shirts.
The Short Video Competition which was judged on agreed criteria also attracted participation from schools and Anetan Infant School won first prize. The Tiny House Model Competition was the main event and showcased fascinating designs. First prize was awarded to Mr. Joshua Keppa who developed a working model using remote control to pump water into his house, washroom and garden.
The radio quizzes were conducted daily for five days and reflected active interest and participation from community members. The celebration of World Water Day worldwide aims to create awareness of water and its resources which are crucial for the survival of living beings on earth.
These efforts in Nauru are part of the European Union funded Global Climate Change Alliance Plus – Scaling Up Pacific Adaptation (GCCA+ SUPA) Project, implemented by the Pacific Community (SPC) in partnership with the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the University of the South Pacific (USP).