SPC’s vision
spc-pacific-map-bigA secure, resilient and prosperous Pacific Community, whose people are educated and healthy and manage their resources in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable way.
SPC is committed to helping Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) address the risks posed by climate variability and climate change. The Pacific region has for centuries been vulnerable to natural climate hazards such as floods, droughts and cyclones. The frequency of such events varies from year to year and decade to decade due to phenomena such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation. Climate change resulting from increased greenhouse gases is posing additional risks for the region, such as increasing air and sea surface temperatures. SPC is working to help PICTs respond to the risks and impacts of climate variability and climate change through its sectoral work and its ‘whole of organisation’ approach and in partnership with other members of the Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP).
Climate Change Engagement Strategy for SPC 2011–2015
The strategy provides an overarching framework for SPC’s climate change work, sets organizational objectives and identifies key result areas against which progress can be monitored.
The goal
Pacific Island countries and territories are able to effectively manage the risks presented by climate change.
Basis of the strategy
To assist Pacific Island countries and territories to adopt a sustainable ‘whole of country, whole of region’ approach to addressing climate change challenges, through identification of risks and provision of relevant climate change knowledge, technical assistance and resources to enable them to make informed policy and operational decisions.
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