Climate Finance in FSM
The Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management has been designated as the focal point and coordinating agency for all government climate change and disaster risk reduction activities at the national level. Secretary, Department of Finance and Administration is the NDA for the GCF and FSM has also successfully applied for a GCF readiness grant with the support of SPC as the delivery partner. This grant has enabled the recruitment of a small team of staff within the Department of Finance and Administration who are focusing on strengthening the NDA and developing FSM's strategic program for engagement with the Green Climate Fund. FSM is currently the first country in the region to have finalized their GCF Country Program [link report]. The National Climate Change Country Team (NCCCT) and Joint Resource Management Networks are also important structures in terms of coordinating activities between private sector, civil society and development partner stakeholders.
Country Activities and Progress
- FSM Climate change and Disaster Risk Finance Assessment, undertaken by a joint team representing the USAID/SPC ISAC Project, PIFS, SPC Social Development Program and the USAID Climate Ready Project in collaboration with the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management (DECCEM), National Government of FSM from 29 January – 09 February 2018 [report forthcoming]
- Support for the recruitment of a Climate Change Coordinator based with DECCEM to strengthen coordination across sectors and departments, including with the NDA/GCF team in the Department of Finance and Administration